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Furry Companions, Therapeutic Connections.

Pet Letter Service

We at BalanZen Mental Health are aware of the significant influence that pets can have on our emotional health. If you depend on a pet for support and companionship, we provide expert Pet Letters to help you in a variety of circumstances where having your animal buddy around is crucial.

What is a Pet Letter?

A Pet Letter, sometimes referred to as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter, is a certified letter from a certified healthcare provider attesting to the healing advantages of owning a pet. This letter allows people to live and travel with their emotional support animal, even in pet-restricted homes or when traveling by air. It is especially helpful for those who are facing housing issues or travel restrictions.

Contact Us Today!

Transform your well-being today – reach out to our compassionate behavioral health care team at 952-222-7560 and embark on a journey to mental wellness.